
Showing posts from December, 2019

Google Keyword Planner

What is interesting? Here Are Approximately things you should know about this option: You will not always be interested in analyzing the primary domain of a competitor. Sometimes you will get more elaborate and easy to position keyword on inside pages. Search and analyze the page that competes most directly with your keywords. You can use this option to find out which keywords Google keyword planner thinks are relevant to your page. For example: if Google Keyword Planner thinks your site is relevant to a specific keyword that interests you, but you’re not optimizing, you can create articles or pages that promote it. It will be easier for you because Google Keyword Planner already thinks you are suitable for positioning by this keyword. Want to see a real example of how to use the “landing page” for SEO? Still not sure how to use the “landing page”? As I said a moment ago, Google Keyword Planner allows you to check quickly and relevant to your page.    Google Keyword